
"I Got Better Than I Deserved"- A Cop Story

 My childhood was a trainwreck. Just a series of awful events. Strep throat every year, chicken pox, mumps. Whatever pathogen happened to be floating by- it seemed to land on my shoulders. And when covid found me decades later, I got a nice shiny ventilator in the ICU for 9 days. But I survived. My family moved 6 times by the time I graduated. My folks fought daily, sometimes physically. Throughout my teen years, I just began to develop a bad attitude. The attitude that thinks this shit is never going to change. Parents taking their problems out on their kids. People sense when you have a bad attitude. It's like blood in the water. Folks don't care why you have it so much, most people just think you were born some sort of asshole- and they react to that. I managed to get in a few scrapes with the law with that bad attitude of mine. Almost in every one of those scrapes- I was innocent. What always got me into trouble was my attitude. I want to tell you about one of those episode...

"Headless Body Found in Topless Bar"- The Sunday Collage

This was an actual headline found in the NY Post, circa 1983. The author of that headline died recently. I chuckled the first time I read it. I thought it was a perfect metaphor for the leaderless group exercise we have been enduring ever since the Dems installed their old, white, version of Obama. Obama lite. So, after listening to the Dems wail that "no one is above the law" as they apply the law to President Trump, we find that Joe Biden who promised never to pardon his son ad nauseum... Pardoned his son. For 11 years' worth of crimes. Apparently, this is a "blank check" pardon wherein you cannot charge, poor picked on Hunter, for anything he may have done for 11 years. There are quite literally millions of people sitting in our prisons who have committed lesser crimes than Hunter. It isn't just the drugs, or the hookers, or the embezzled payola from Burisma, or the tax evasion in the millions, or the 195 suspicious activity reports that banks filed on be...

9 Million Counterfeit Ballots- The Sunday Collage

 Earlier this week, graphs started popping up on X and other places. Most of those graphs showed the steep and dramatic increase in popular votes that occurred in 2020 and compared the elections of 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024 for context. Beyond any doubt, democrat or republican, the popular vote totals for Biden in 2020 were astronomical. Many charts reflected raw data as it stood on Wednesday and Thursday. Some showed a difference of as many as 18 million ballots cast for democrats compared to previous elections and 2024. Those early charts did not take into account that California was still counting. Counting votes in California is apparently a Herculean task unlike Florida who had their votes counted in a few hours after the polls closed. Thus we are left with the rusty machinery that counts votes in California by either necessity or design. California still had at least 8 million votes to count and Arizona still hadn't finished counting either. By extrapolating what's...

"We're Going to Need More Body Bags!"

 The mass casualty event of November 5 is now complete. A lot of ideas, people, lies, bad opinions, and institutions died on election night. I am overcome with joy. Sometimes we are blessed by the absence of bad people and bad ideas and to remove them often requires a reckoning. We had a reckoning on Tuesday night.  The first casualty was the democratic party. They have reversed roles with the old Republican Party. They have completely lost their base. The new democrat party is filled with socialistic elites bent on war and destruction. They pander to special interests and to the LGBTQ community. They are fine with men in women's sports and locker rooms. They worship entertainers like Jimmy Kimmel, Orca Winfrey, and Taylor Swift. They engage in identity politics. The democrat party is a party in complete disarray- filled with elites like the Clintons, the Obamas, the Pelosis' and the Bidens- selling our nation out piece by piece and gaining personal wealth. This is not the par...

The Spirit of America- The Sunday Collage

 I am in a dive bar. Certainly not the Green Dragon Tavern. This is the Helsinki Club, last building in Finntown. In this very bar- murder, rape, and arson have been contemplated. Drugs and money have been exchanged. Every dirty, racist, joke ever conceived has been uttered in this place. Prostitution, gay sex, even a few fights. So, when my friend, new owner, and Never Trumper told me that they did not discuss politics in the bar- I recognized immediately that he knew my politics were not his own. In the four or five times I have been warned about discussing politics in my life, it has always been by some liberal who is moderating and controlling the conversation. You are entitled to their opinion based on your global positioning at that very instant. Not your own. With just a few days to go in this election, I think people tend to underestimate the Spirit of America. That is the finger and a hearty "fuck you!" to a government that seeks to moderate and control our lives. It...

Does It Take 52 Liars to Qualify As a Conspiracy Theory?- The Sunday Collage

 We're getting close to election day. You can smell it. Judge Tanya Chutkan, in an attempt to smear Donald Trump, has decided to release 2000 pages of "evidence" that would damage his campaign. The timing of this release, 2-3 weeks before the election, was perfect.  Remember the 51 experts who swore and signed affidavits that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation just before the 2020 election? There was no investigation into that. There was also no investigation into the results of the 2020 election. That was the one where we all went to sleep with Trump winning and sometime between 0100 and 0700, Joe Biden miraculously staged an epic comeback in every one of the states he had been losing. So Chutkan, activist liberal that she is, checks in right on time with her attempt to influence the 2024 election. A little more on Chutkan. Chutkan is a Jamaican immigrant. Tanya Chutkan's resume reads perfectly left. Appointment from Barack Obama, the Lightbringer. ...

15 Years of Frankenstein Government- The Sunday Collage

In 2009, I was 48 years old. Divorced, single, sober. My life was calm and serene.  I wanted to write. Not because I think I am some superior, knowledgeable writer but because we were witnessing some of the worst government behavior that had ever taken place. When the government stole one trillion dollars' worth of taxpayer money and bailed out crooked bankers and banks, they were fully exposed. That level of theft was breathtaking. Things were going to get far worse. People generally don't care about politics unless they are old, retired, and have the time to watch what the hell is going on. I will be the first to admit this was true for me. When I was younger, say twenties and thirties, I was too busy taking care of my patchwork family- earning a living, paying for things, fixing wrecked knees and straightening teeth, and bearing all the costs associated with life in America. We grow up distracted.  With 60 hour work weeks, who had time for politics? I didn't.  That all...